Players may purchase up to 3 entries in the Full Survivor game.
Each week, choose one football team to win their game. If the team you picked wins the game, then that entry will "Survive" and go on to the next week. If the team you picked for an entry didn't win their game (tie or lose), that entry is elimindated from the contest.
To win, you must "Survive" all 18 weeks.
You may only use a team once per season. For example, if you use the NYG in Week 1, you will not be able to pick them again for that entry. You must make a pick each week in order to "Survive" for each game entry. If you fail to make a pick in a week, that entry is eliminated.
You can change your pick up until the posted deadline each week as long as teams are available for you to select based on your picks in prior weeks... even waiting until the Monday Night Game (though it will only leave you at most two teams to choose from, and only if you haven't chosen them in prior weeks!)
Note: prior to the start of the season, management reserves the right to cancel the Survivor Game and refund any paid entry fees if certain levels of participation are not met.